90-Minutes | LIVE WITH STEFANIE AND TARA | on Zoom
For Presenters
Gain the skills you need to present yourself and your work professionally on camera!
Video is everywhere these days, so people assume you’re unprepared or that you don’t care about them if you won’t go on camera for your meeting.
Poor Lighting
A side lamp and back window won’t cut it.
Awkward Framing
Is your head off the frame? Are you looking down at the camera?
Hard to Hear
Yes, we can hear your kids and dogs.
Distracting Decor
Does your partner collect action figures? Draw nude portraits. We can tell.
Everyone starts out with the same deficits of:
Umprofessional Presentation
Pajamas aren’t acceptable, even from home.
Shallow breathing, sweat, verbal tics can creep in when the stakes are high.
When you have a presentation to give for a client or to your remote team, having the camera on is imperative.
If attendees can’t meet you and feel a connection to you, many will check out in the opening minutes.
If you seem like just another reader-of-the-slides presenter, they’re off to check emails!
(And no, a photo and bio on the cover slide is not enough these days.)
People are used to seeing everyone and their cousin doing live make-up tutorials, blending up cottage cheese smoothies, and flexing their abs readily online.
When it comes to important training or business development you can’t sit it out because it feels awkward or it's too time consuming to put on pants and adjust the lights.
So, what do you do about it?
Gain Confidence on Camera
for Presenters
In this class, you get valuable guidance to help you feel more confident and prepared for your next presentation.
Tara Blau Smollen and Stefanie Small are experienced communication coaches who will help you master the art of online communication In real time!
None of that pre-recorded garbage.
This class is fun and perfect for anyone who wants to improve their executive presence online – through presentation, confidence, and with a little help from some tech.
You'll learn how to make a great first impression, how to use body language effectively, and how to handle challenging situations with ease.
Don't let nerves or a simple lack of experience hold you back any longer.

Taking this class was such a good thing to do! Both Stefanie and Tara have a wealth of experience and information that make this class great — and they give many valuable pointers for gaining confidence and presenting online.”
- Vicky B.
San Francisco, CA
Email us now to hear about the next
Gain Confidence on Camera
for Presenters class, or get some 1:1 training!
(We’re excited to meet you!)